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1. 几种原位电化学红外构造简介


利用分子振动的特征吸收,红外光谱可以用于原位检测固体电极上的吸附态物种,从而:(1) 关键中间产物的识别和构型鉴定(2)确定电极表面成键状态(3)优先的反应路径和选择性确认(4)探究反应环境的影响,如电解液阴离子,阳离子,pH, 添加剂等(5)电极电解液界面双电层的探测。适用于水系或非水系电催化反应,如CO2RR,  HER, OER, ORR, MOR, EOR, NRR,硝酸根还原,有机电合成等。


1.1 IRAS

IRAS或IRRAS,也称为外反射模式,或透反射模式,光滑电极(玻碳电极,光滑金属电极或FTO等基底)或将电催化剂滴涂或电沉积到光滑电极上,压到红外窗口上形成一层电解液薄层(1-10微米),红外光束穿过光学窗口经过电解液薄层,然后在电极表面反射红外光,最后到达红外检测器。 外反射模一般选用CaF2窗片,窗片的形状一般为厚度2mm左右的圆片,梯形、半球形或半圆柱型的晶体也经常被使用。     

           1686901827741197.png   1690856042.jpg

图1 外反射示意图                                          图2 ATR原理示意图    


1.2 衰减全反射原理的理解

衰减全反射基本原理:红外光经过折射率大的晶体再入射到折射率小的试样表面上,当入射角大于临界角时,入射光线就会产生全反射。 事实上红外光并不是全部被反射回来,而是穿透到试样表面内一定深度后再返回表面在该过程中,试样在入射光频率区域内有选择吸收,反射光强度发生减弱,产生与透射吸收相类似图,从而获得样品表层化学成份的结构信息。 见图2 ATR原理示意图。 红外光穿透晶体界面的深度与晶体折射率和入射光角度有关,常见晶体的折射率见表2,折射率越大,穿透深度越小。


1.3 内反射ATR-SEIRAS和内反射Otto薄层模式

      7777.jpg            1690856106.jpg

                  图3 内反射ATR-SEIRAS                                      图4 内反射Otto薄层模式     

内反射ATR-SEIRAS模式,也称为Kretschmann构造,如上图所示,ATR晶体(ZnSe, Si, Ge)平面上化学镀或真空镀一层岛状金属膜,在金属膜上底涂或电沉积催化剂,金属膜作为导电基底,同时作为表面增强剂,使催化剂表面吸附分子的红外信号会比没有金属膜时的信号增强10-1000倍。 这称为表面增强红外效应,即SEIRAS。 不同晶体耐受不同范围pH,光谱范围也不同,详见表2





2.1 内外反射的选择依据










Diamond,Si,Ge, ZnSe 






Diamond,Si,Ge, ZnSe











表1 电化学原位红外光谱电化学池构型对比


2.2 晶体选择



pH 范围
























表2 不同晶体物理化学特性



2.3 入射角度

在ATR和外反射测量中,入射角的角度和是否选用偏振光作为光源决定了得到的光谱强度; 理论上,大的入射角度(70-80°)会更好一些。 然而,由于光束在界面上沿着入射角度并且一般电极尺寸在1-2cm直径,当角度在60-80°范围内改变时,没有发现明显的信号增强。 使用60或65°的光路,相同的光路附件可以用于外反射和内反射ATR-SEIRAS。


2.4 正峰和倒峰

红外光谱谱图的展示有吸光度和透过率两种方式,互为向上和向下的关系,便于讨论,假定以吸光度纵坐标,对于某个电位下的参考谱图(通常为一条直线),随电位变化,如果产生正峰(即向上),认为是某种物种生成,若为倒峰(即向下),表示某种物种消耗了。如果针对特定的反应,当某种物种消耗的倒峰解释不通,或者某个范围内的峰一上一下,谱峰出现异常的时候,可能与其他两个因素有关,(1)入射角度(2)金属颗粒(SEIRAS基底或纳米催化剂颗粒)的体积填充因子(volume fraction of the composite occupied by the metal particle),注意:不是颗粒的尺寸。


2.5 光路的选择



1690856162.jpg                          1690856184.jpg 

                         图5 60°入射角光路示意图                                                      图6  VeeMaxIII光路示意图                         


2.6 电化学池的选择(单腔室和双腔室,流动和静止)



1690856286.jpg   1690856430.jpg

                                          图7 外反射电化学池                          图8 小体积内反射双腔室电化学池                           

                        image.png         image.png           

                                              图9 双腔室可搅拌电化学池示意图                           图10 双腔室可搅拌电化学池                                                                                                           














2.8 电化学测试方法的选择





CO2电还原Nature Nanotechnology 2021,16, 1386–1393



CO2电还原 J. Am. Chem. Soc.2022, 144, 259−269


锌离子电池  Joule 2022, 6, 399–417



锂离子电池ACS Energy Lett. 2020, 5, 1022−1031


  4. 部分客户论文发表清单: 


  1. Jianping Xiao*, Bin Zhang*, et al. Unveiling hydrocerussite as an electrochemically stable active phase for efficient carbon dioxide electroreduction to formate. Nat. Commun. 2020, 11, 3415

  2. Lei Yan, Yonggang Wang*, et al. Chemically Self-Charging Aqueous Zinc-Organic Battery. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2021, 143, 15369-15377

  3. Nan Wang, Yonggang Wang*, et al. Zinc-organic Battery with a Wide Operation-temperature Window from -70 to 150 oC Angew. C.hem. Int. Ed. 2020,59,14577-14583

  4. Bingliang Wang, Yongyao Xia*, et al. In situ structural evolution of the multi-site alloy electrocatalyst to manipulate the intermediate for enhanced water oxidation reaction. Energy Environ. Sci. 2020, 13, 2200-2208

  5. Yang Peng*, et al. Breaking Linear Scaling Relationship by Compositional and Structural Crafting of Ternary Cu-Au/Ag Nanoframes for Electrocatalytic Ethylene Production. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 2508-2518 

  6. Zhuo Yu, Yonggang Wang*, et al. Boosting Polysulfide Redox Kinetics by Graphene-Supported Ni Nanoparticles with Carbon Coating. Adv. Energy Mater. 2020, 10, 2000907

  7. Xinwei Ding, Zhi Yang*, et al. Biomimetic Molecule Catalysts to Promote the Conversion of Polysulfides for Advanced Lithium–Sulfur Batteries Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 30, 2003354 

  8. Hong Guo*, Xueliang Sun*, et al. Dual Active Site of the Azo and Carbonyl-Modified Covalent Organic Framework for High-Performance Li Storage. ACS Energy Lett. 2020, 5, 1022-1031

  9. Suya Zhou, Zhi Yang*, et al. Dual-Regulation Strategy to Improve Anchoring and Conversion of Polysulfides in Lithium–Sulfur Batteries ACS Nano 2020, 14, 7538–7551

  10. Yongyao Xia*, et al. Low-Temperature Charge/Discharge of Rechargeable Battery Realized by Intercalation Pseudocapacitive Behavior. Adv. Sci. 2020, 7, 2000196

  11. Lei Wang*, Yonggang Wang, et al. Pencil-drawing on nitrogen and sulfur co-doped carbon paper: An effective and stable host to pre-store Li for high-performance lithium–air batteries. Energy Storage Materials 2020, 26, 593-603

  12. Guanglei Cui*, Liquan Chen, et al. Non-flammable nitrile deep eutectic electrolyte enables high voltage lithium metal batteries. Chem. Mater. 2020, 32, 3405-3413 

  13. Guanglei Cui*, et al. Investigation on the Cathodic Interfacial Stability of Nitrile Electrolyte and its performance with High Voltage LiCoO2 Chem. Commun. 2020, 56, 4998-5001 

  14. Zhongbin Zhuang*, et al. A highly-active, stable and low-cost platinum-free anode catalyst based on RuNi for hydroxide exchange membrane fuel cells. Nat. Commun. 2020, 11, 5651 

  15. Tiancun Liu, Yong Wang*, et al. Organic supramolecular protective layer with rearranged and defensive Li deposition for stable and dendrite-free lithium metal anode. Energy Storage Materials 2020, 32, 261–271

  16. X. Yin, Y. Wang*, et al. Designing cobalt-based coordination polymers for high-performance sodium and lithium storage: from controllable synthesis to mechanism detection. Materials Today Energy 2020, 17, 100478

  17. Song Chen, Jintao Zhang*, et al. Regulation of Lamellar Structure of Vanadium Oxide via Polyaniline Intercalation for High-Performance Aqueous Zinc-Ion Battery. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2020, 30, 2003890 

  18. Nannan Meng, Yifu Yu, Bin Zhang*, et al. Efficient Electrosynthesis of Syngas with Tunable CO/H2 Ratios over ZnxCd1-xS-Amine Inorganic-Organic Hybrids. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58, 18908–18912

  19. Yanrong Xue, Zhongbin Zhuang*, et al. Sulfate-Functionalized RuFeOx as Highly Efficient Oxygen Evolution Reaction Electrocatalyst in Acid. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021, 31, 2101405

  20. Hong Guo*, et al. Cooperative catalytic interface accelerates redox kinetics of sulfur species for high-performance Li-S batteries. Energy Storage Materials 2021, 40, 139-149

  21. Yang Peng*, et al. Geometric Modulation of Local CO Flux in Ag@Cu2O Nanoreactors for Steering the CO2RR pathway toward High-Efficacy Methane Production. Adv. Mater. 2021, 33, 2101741

  22. Yonggang Wang*, et al. Molecular Tailoring of n/p-type Phenothiazine Organic Scaffold for Zinc Batteries. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 20826-20832 

  23. Hongliang Jiang*, Chunzhong Li*, et al. Dynamically Formed Surfactant Assembly at the Electrified Electrode–Electrolyte Interface Boosting CO2 Electroreduction. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 6613–6622

  24. Yang Peng*, et al. Au-activated N motifs in non-coherent cupric porphyrin metal organic frameworks for promoting and stabilizing ethylene production. Nat. Commun. 2022, 13, 63 

  25. Jie Zeng*, et al. Copper-catalysed exclusive CO2 to pure formic acid conversion via single-atom alloying. Nature Nanotechnology 2021, 16, 1386-1393 

  26. Min-Rui Gao*, et al. Identification of Cu(100)/Cu(111) Interfaces as Superior Active Sites for CO Dimerization During CO2 Electroreduction. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 1, 259-269 

  27. Chen Feng, Shiming Zhou*, Jie Zeng*, et al. Tuning the Electronic and Steric Interaction at the Atomic Interface for Enhanced Oxygen Evolution. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144,21,9271-9279 

  28. Rui Lin, Jianhui Wang, et al. Asymmetric donor-acceptor moleculeregulated core-shell-solvation electrolyte for high-voltage aqueous batteries. Joule 2022, 6, 399–417 

  29. Zhongju Wang, Yongzhu Fu*, et al. Biredox‐Ionic Anthraquinone‐Coupled Ethylviologen Composite Enables Reversible Multielectron Redox Chemistry for Li‐Organic Batteries. Adv. Sci. 2022, 9, 2103632 

  30. Jintao Zhang*, et al. Defect evolution of hierarchical SnO2 aggregatesfor boosting CO2 electrocatalytic reduction. J. Mater. Chem. A 2021, 9, 14741-14751

  31. Fei Ai, Yijun Lu*, et al. Heteropoly acid negolytes for high-power-density aqueous redox flow batteries at low temperatures. Nature Energy. 2022, 7, 417–426 

  32. Zhejun Li, Yijun Lu*. Polysulfide-based redox flow batteries with long life and low levelized cost enabled by charge-reinforced ion-selective membranes. Nature Enery. 2021, 6, 517–528

  33. Tieliang Li, Yifu Yu, Bin Zhang*, et al. Sulfate-Enabled Nitrate Synthesis from Nitrogen Electrooxidation on Rhodium Electrocatalyst. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2022, e202204541 

  34. Yanbo Li, Bin Zhang, Yifu Yu*, et al. Electrocatalytic Reduction of Low-Concentration Nitric Oxide into Ammonia over Ru Nanosheets. ACS Energy Letters. 2022, 7, 1187-1194 

  35. Yanmei Huang, Yifu Yu, Bin Zhang*, et al. Direct Electrosynthesis of Urea from Carbon Dioxide and Nitric Oxide. ACS Energy Letters. 2022, 7, 284-291

  36. Wenfu Xie, Hao Li, Min Wei*, et al. NiSn Atomic Pair on Integrated Electrode for Synergistic Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2021, 60, 7382–7388

  37. Rui Sui, Jiajing Pei, Zhongbin Zhuang*, et al. Engineering Ag−Nx Single-Atom Sites on Porous Concave NDoped Carbon for Boosting CO2 Electroreduction. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 2021, 13, 17736-17744 

  38. Tiliang Li, Yuting Wang, Yifu Yu*, Bin Zhang*, et al. Ru-Doped Pd Nanoparticles for Nitrogen Electrooxidation to Nitrate. ACS Catal. 2021, 11, 14032-14037

  39.  Jintao Zhang* et al. Atomic Bridging Structure of Nickel-Nitrogen-Carbon for Highly Efficient Electrocatalytic Reduction of CO2. Angew. Chem.Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202113918

  40. Lang Xu* et al. Gadolinium Changes the Local Electron Densities of Nickel 3d Orbitals for Efficient Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction. Angew. Chem.Int. Ed. 2022, 61, e202201166

  41. Bin Zhang* et al. Phenanthrenequinone-like moiety functionalized carbon for electrocatalytic acidic oxygen evolution. Chem. 2022, 8, 1415-1426

  42. Sheng Dai*, Minghui Zhua*, Yifan Han* et al. Probing the role of surface hydroxyls for Bi, Sn and In catalysts during CO2 Reduction. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 2021, 298,  

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